
Welcome to Ornamenta Lust, the independent programme of the region, self-organized by various Nordschwarzwald communities!

The Ornamenta Lust Programme stands for the diversity of the region and a cultural landscape in transition. The curatorial team of Ornamenta invites the local communities of the Northern Black Forest and those interested in complementing or counterbalancing the curated content with independent and self-organized activities and presentations. Traditional spas and young initiatives, artisanal bakeries or established cultural spaces - all makers of the region can become part of a growing movement, exploring new ways of producing culture together. 

Whether you'd like to enjoy the pristine views from mountain peaks, guided tours in museums and monuments, a visit to a historical bathing house or a tasting of Black Forest Cake, the Northern Black Forest has a lot to offer in terms of culture and tourism. Inhabitants of the region were able to join the Ornamenta Lust programme by submitting their programme via an online form in this section of Ornamenta's website. Upon successful registration, their programme was automatically listed in the 'Ornamenta Lust' section of the programme.

There is no legal entitlement to inclusion in the programme. We will get in touch with you after we decided to include your programme in our event overview. In case you have any questions or need support, our team is happy to assist you in formulating a short paragraph about your event or exhibition. In case Ornamenta Lust sparked your interest, do not hesitate to reach out:

Monika Heinzmann
Phone: 0049 7231 393932


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