Sunday 15 September 2024
from 14:00

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    Treffpunkt: Hirsau, Aureliusplatz, vor der Aureliuskirche

    Kirche und MoscheeAureliusplatz75365CalwBaden-WürttembergDeutschland

Kirche und Moschee

This informative guided tour will introduce you to the impressive history of the Aurelius Church and St. Aureliu Monastery, which dates to the 9th and 11th centuries. In addition, we will also visit the Osmanli Camii Mosque. This Turkish Mosque opened in 1996 is only a few steps away from the monastery. There we will find out a lot of interesting facts about its distinctive architecture, history, and the services held there.

“Kirche und Moschee” is organized on the occasion of the Ornamenta 2024 Lust Programme, corresponding to the theme Solartal. All Ornamenta Lust programmes are mainly German spoken but you are welcome to join.

Die Aureliuskirche von innen ©Photo: courtesy of Touristinformation Calw
