September 7, 2022 – September 7, 2022

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    Ammerau, Pforzheim-Würm

    Ammerau, Pforzheim-WürmAmmerau75181PforzheimBaden-WürttembergGermany
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    Stadtmuseum Pforzheim

    Stadtmuseum PforzheimWestliche Karl-Friedrich-Straße 24375172PforzheimBaden-WürttembergDeutschland

The Redolence of Memory

Somewhere at the edge of the Black Forest, the temperature dips and the seasons change enhancing the natural aromas of the Nordschwarzwald punctuated with the smell of smoking fish coursing through the air to greet the Ornamenta crowd for the latest monthly gathering. Upon arrival, we asked, to what extent do the right fragrances, smells, and perfumes have the ability to spontaneously cue autobiographical memories.



  • Smoked Trout

    • Günther Schuler
  • Smoke Sculpture

    • Sonia Keppler



  • Günther Schuler
  • Raphael Mürle
  • Sonja Keppler
  • Sumaya kassim