Sunday 22 September 2024
14:00 – 20:30

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    Schwanner Warte Straubenhardt

    Horizonte Familientheatertag zum WeltkindertagSchützenstraße 1575334StraubenhardtBaden-WürttembergGermany

Horizonte Familientheatertag zum Weltkindertag

On the occasion of World Children's Day, the popular family theater day "Horizonte" will take place again on Sunday, 22 September 2024 from 14:00 at the Schwanner Warte in Straubenhardt - this year with an extended program as part of the "Ornamenta Lust". In addition to three children's plays by independent theater artists from the Enzkreis and Pforzheim, an evening performance for adults by the "Regionentheater aus dem schwarzen Wald", which is making its first guest appearance in Straubenhardt, is also planned. "Horizonte" is once again a festival for the whole family with puppet and clown theater as well as a musical dating revue in the middle of the audience. The event is organized by the municipality of Straubenhardt in cooperation with the Schwarzwaldverein Straubenhardt, the Förderverein Theaterschachtel Neuhausen and Ornamenta Pforzheim.

After the welcome by Mayor Helge Viehweg, the event starts at 2.30 pm with the fairy tale "The Frog King" with the children's theater company Myriam Rossbach and Anne von der Vring, followed by the plays "Beautiful Failure - the love of detours" with Straubenhardt artist Berenike Felger and "Snow White" with Theater vis-à-vis Silke Karl. The children's plays are suitable for audiences aged four and over. Admission is free in the afternoon. More information about the freelance theatre artists at After the children's program, the "Regionentheater aus dem schwarzen Wald" will present "Don Juan datet Eva", a scenic-musical journey on the subject of interpersonal closeness, dating, love - and the dreams, ideas and prejudices associated with it. It is a modern and, in its way, completely newly conceived play in which the regional theater once again leaves the conventional theater space and goes into the midst of the audience with its play in various places. On the one hand, the audience is an observer, but can also influence the play through interaction and is therefore a central component of the production. The play was specially conceived and staged as part of "Ornamenta Lust" and the "Aller.Land" funding program and can be seen in various municipalities and venues during the festival period from July to September 2024 - including in Straubenhardt.
Admission starts at 6 pm, the performance at 6.30 pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the theater's own website or by calling "theater-mobil" on 0160 96238983 and at the box office for 15 euros, concessions 10 euros. Coffee, cake, drinks and snacks will be available throughout the day.

The event “Horizonte Familientheatertag zum Weltkindertag” is organized on the occasion of the Ornamenta 2024 Lust Programme, corresponding to the theme Solartal. All Ornamenta Lust programmes are mainly German spoken but you are welcome to join.

Familientheatertag Horizonte ©Photo: courtesy of Jens Felger
