7 July – 29 September 2024
Sunday, 14:00 – 17:00

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    Ehemalige Weißgerberei Balz

    Einst Schmutzecke, heute schmuckes MuseumBadstraße 7-175365CalwBaden-WürttembergGermany

Einst Schmutzecke, heute schmuckes Museum

The Balz white tannery building was erected around 1800 on the banks of the Nagold, not far from St. Nicholas Chapel. The building, which is characteristic of the region, has a timber frame typical of the time above its solid brick base storey, which is structurally designed and was plastered on the occasion of a visit by the king in 1899. On the first floor and in a brick extension on the Nagold, which was built to extend the production rooms, are the waterworks with historical machinery. The rooms on the second floor were used as a fur room and a gymnasium when the tannery was set up. The museum is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
Visits to the exhibition outside opening hours by prior arrangement by telephone on 07051-3751

"Einst Schmutzecke, heute schmuckes Museum" takes place on the occasion of the Ornamenta 2024 Lust program and is part of the theme Schmutzige Ecke. All Ornamenta Lust programmes are mainly German spoken but you are welcome to join.

Schmutzige Ecke
Das Gerbereimuseum bietet Einblicke in eine alte, fast vergessene Handwerkstradition im Nordschwarzwald. ©Photo: courtesy of Ralf Recklies
Das Gerbereimuseum bietet Einblicke in eine alte, fast vergessene Handwerkstradition im Nordschwarzwald. ©Photo: courtesy of Ralf Recklies
Das Gerbereimuseum bietet Einblicke in eine alte, fast vergessene Handwerkstradition im Nordschwarzwald. ©Photo: courtesy of Ralf Recklies
Das Gerbereimuseum bietet Einblicke in eine alte, fast vergessene Handwerkstradition im Nordschwarzwald. ©Photo: courtesy of Ralf Recklies
Das Gerbereimuseum bietet Einblicke in eine alte, fast vergessene Handwerkstradition im Nordschwarzwald. ©Photo: courtesy of Ralf Recklies
