10 July – 12 July 2024
14:00 – 17:00

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    Technisches Museum der Pforzheimer Schmuck- und Uhrenindustrie

    Die Mokume-Gane-Artisten zu Gast im Technischen MuseumBleichstraße 8175173PforzheimBaden-WürttembergGermany

Die Mokume-Gane-Artisten zu Gast im Technischen Museum

The Mokume-Gane-Artists let you look over their shoulders! A small exhibition next to the work tables shows work processes, tools and finished pieces of jewelry.

"Die Mokume-Gane-Artisten zu Gast im Technischen Museum" takes place on the occasion of the Ornamenta 2024 Lust program and is part of the theme Inhalatorium. All Ornamenta Lust programmes are mainly German spoken but you are welcome to join.

Mokume Gane: Barren-Schweißen ©Photo: courtesy of Mokume-Gane-Artisten, Foto Stephan Frank
