12. November 2021 – 12. November 2021

  • In Maps öffnen

    Liebfrauenkirche Lienzingen

    Liebfrauenkirche LienzingenBei der Frauenkirche75417MühlackerBaden-WürttembergDeutschland
  • Travel Activation

  • Ozon Bar

Singing to the Saints on the ceiling

The European demographics are in transition. How to foster a reciprocal curiosity between the different generations living on this continent? Close to half of the residents of Pforzheim identify with the immigrant experience and one-third live here for less than ten years. An electronic soundscape composed by Firat Yildiz echoed through the bus driving passengers into an uncanny evening programme.



  • Good Night

    • Özgür Kar
  • 4

    Soundscape Busride

    • Firat Yildiz
  • 4

    High And Low Of The Aeronautical Feather

    • Slobodan Jovanović
  • 4

    Toccata IV

    • Slobodan Jovanović
  • 4

    Images Without Frames

    • Slobodan Jovanović



  • Firat Yildiz
  • Slobodan Jovanović
  • Özgür Kar